Certification: In short, regulations / standards for UV-C devices are inadequate and don't really exist, but we designed our product to the highest standards of safety and efficacy, and are in the process of certifying to a variety of standards that aren't required, but we believe are the "right" ways to demonstrate safety and efficacy. Put differently, any certifications that we don't currently have are because the standards don't exist, not because we wouldn't comply. We are taking an industry-leading approach to the safety and efficacy of our product.
Certification Background: There is very little (essentially zero) regulation of UV-C devices like ours, which has been an interesting challenge. The lack of regulations is a detriment to the consumer - we believe there should be regulations around safety and efficacy of these devices - e.g. uniform performance standards to compare similar systems apples-to-apples, and safety certifications to ensure the devices have adequate protections in place. Our approach has been to take the lead on certifying to what we believe are the right set of certifications for companies selling similar devices. We also hired a safety engineering firm and had them provide input and conduct design reviews and testing throughout the product development process to make sure that we're incorporating the most stringent requirements for safety and efficacy - we designed our system to pass UL61010-1 which is the most applicable standard.
More specifically to 2 different areas: UL (safety), and efficacy.
UL (safety) - There actually hasn't been a UL standard for UVC devices specifically. UL themselves actually hasn't historically certified UVC devices (they just started certifying consumer devices last month), but they recommend other NRTLs like ETL and TUV certify to UL61010-1, which is titled "Safety Requirements For Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, And Laboratory Use". Not a perfect fit, and not UVC specific, but it incorporates IEC 62471 for photobiological safety of similar devices.