UV light exposure limits are termed “Threshold Limit Values” (TLV®) and are established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) for every wavelength of UV light. The ACGIH is a professional body of regulatory experts that sets Threshold Limit Values (TLV®) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEI®) for UV light as guidelines to assist in the control of health hazards in the workplace.
The ACGIH’s 2021 TLVs and BEIs threshold limit values (TLV) and biological exposure values for UV-C are linked above, with the chart that includes 222 nm (Vive’s wavelength) displayed at right. TLV is determined based on exposure for 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, for a working lifetime without adverse health effects.
Vive is designed to never exceed the eye (160 mJ/cm2) or skin (479 mJ/cm2) threshold limit values set for 8-hour days by the ACGIH when properly installed and under normal operating conditions. Over the ACGIH’s 8-hour threshold (to mimic a standard workday) and at 1 meter away, Vive will deliver a maximum dosage of 86 mJ/cm2 when properly installed, well below the 160 mJ/cm2 eye-level TLV and further below the skin TLV (479 mJ/cm2).
Vive Operation
- The Vive will automatically power on when occupancy is detected as long as the power button is switched on.
- The LED Indicator light at the bottom of the device will alert you to the current state.
- Vive can detect the presence of people and will not exceed the current TLV under any circumstances. It is safer for people to be in the room with Vive as any non-222 nm wavelengths are filtered out using a monochromatic filter.