CoWorkr uses several different WorkPoint technologies for monitoring spaces. Installation considerations vary per model of WorkPoint.
WorkPoint Sensors
Motion WorkPoints use a motion sensor to view the presence of workers. These devices work by “seeing” motion and require a view of the worker. These devices are versatile and can be stuck to the underside of desks, chairs, or ceilings to monitor individual areas or small rooms.
Cases (below): Motion WorkPoints have 2 types of plastic cases— one for desks and one for rooms. Desk cases have a narrow field of view while Room cases have a wide field of view.
Above: Furniture-Mount and Ceiling-Mount WorkPoint Sensors
Chairs and Desks
Using a Motion WorkPoint with a Desk Case: install the device by sticking it facing downward on the underside of a desk or chair.
• Position the device so it’s oriented with the "arrow" shape pointing towards the occupant's seated or standing position.
• Locate the sensor towards the back of the underside of the desktop, making sure it is not obstructing leg movement.
• Position the device in the middle of the underside of the seat, facing downwards
• Position the device so it’s oriented with the "arrow" shape pointing towards the occupant's legs
Above: A WorkPoint Sensor installed on the ceiling will provide whole-room occupancy
Using a WorkPoint Sensor with a Room Case, install the device by sticking it to the ceiling, facing downwards. Any movement in the entire room will trigger an occupancy reading. If a room is longer than 10 ft (3m) we suggest using 2 WorkPoints.
• For Small Rooms, like phone rooms or small meeting rooms, use a single WorkPoint Sensor with a Room Case.
• Position the Motion WorkPoint over the center of the workspace, such as over the center of a table or desk.
• The WorkPoint Sensor will detect any motion within the room. It will not detect motion through glass walls since these will block infrared radiation.
• For large rooms, use multiple WorkPoint Sensors to ensure coverage
• Split the workspace (table area) into two equal sections and install the WorkPoint Sensors on the ceiling centered in each section.
Note: WorkPoint Sensors should not be used on a ceiling with a height greater than 16 ft (4m) as they may not fully capture seated workers.
General Installation Guidelines:
WorkPoints use a semi-permanent adhesive to attach to solid surfaces like wood, plastic, metal, or other painted surfaces. CoWorkr does not recommend attaching to foams or cloth materials.
Prior to attaching, make sure the surface is free of dust or oil
Peel the adhesive backing off and stick the WorkPoint to the desired location. Apply pressure to the WorkPoint and hold for at least 5 seconds.
Note: To remove: twist the WorkPoint, do not pull.
WorkPoint Sensor FAQ
1. Will Motion WorkPoints detect workers walking by a desk?
If installed under a desk (at a depth of at least 18" from the front edge) using the desk case, WorkPoint Sensors' vision will not reach the area in which people walk. It is always possible that sensors may detect a person brushing up against a desk when passing by. These short-term occupancy events are filtered out in the data.
2. Can WorkPoint Sensors pick up workers on the other side of glass walls or windows?
No, the majority of glass used for partition walls will not allow WorkPoint Sensors to capture objects in motion on the opposite side. Other clear materials, such as polycarbonate or acrylic, may allow for partial detection of motion but the device’s sensitivity will be greatly reduced.
3. Are WorkPoint Sensors dangerous to human health?
WorkPoint Sensors uses a Mesh Network to communicate. The output power of CoWorkr Mesh Network Low Energy devices is so low, the FCC does not require them to be tested for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to RF radiation, including microwave radiation. Cellphones and laptops, on the other hand, must pass strict SAR testing requirements, since they operate at higher power levels.
4. How do I know if WorkPoint Sensors are collecting data?
WorkPoint Sensors are always on. As long as the battery is charged, the device will broadcast data. It may appear that a WorkPoint Sensor is offline, however, if the connection to CoWorkr’s cloud (your Hub) has been disconnected or powered off.
V2 Vibration WorkPoint
Vibration WorkPoints simply need to attach to surfaces that experience vibration when in the presence of a worker. For example, a vibration WorkPoint may be adhered to the underside of a chair, single desk, or embedded within a cushion. Vibration WorkPoints are very sensitive and this must be considered when using. A single-vibration WorkPoint may detect the presence of multiple workers if used, for example, on the underside of a table that is used by multiple workers at a time.
V2 or V1 Temperature WorkPoint
Temperature WorkPoints are similar to motion WorkPoints, in that they require the visibility of a worker. These differ in that they must remain within 18" of the worker. Rather than "looking" for motion, these devices look for heat profiles that are described by the warmth of a human body. These are designed to be positioned on the underside of a desk, directly facing the waist or thighs of a worker. The temperature sensors have a narrow field of vision of <90°.
Note: V1 WorkPoints have been discontinued as of 2017