Groups are made to assign multiple Users to one or more WorkPlaces. Typically, a Group is created to represent a customer and the users supporting the customer. This allows an Admin to provide and control all Users associated with the customer from a single place. A Group may have multiple users as well as multiple WorkPlaces. A Group may be named "Customer-ABC" and contain 5 different WorkPlaces, for example —5 different WorkPlaces across the country, that belong to Customer-ABC.
Users in a group may have Normal or Admin permissions. Normal Users will only be able to view content and will not be able to edit or delete content. Admins will be able to view, edit, and delete content. For example, Normal Users will be able to see the floorplan, real-time data, and the analytics while Admin Users will be able to see, modify, and/or delete the floorplan and data.
Get Started
Create a group by accessing the Group page from the main menu.
1. Add a New Group and give it a name and description. You'll be automatically added to the Group as an Admin.
2. Add users to the Group. You can do this now or later. Click the number under "Members" to add new users
3. Select if the new user is an Admin, like you, or someone who will only be viewing the WorkPlace (normal).